'Welcome back to the channel that never ends! Yes, it goes on and on my friends... I had been struggling with the quarantine / lock down and how to present my current lifestyle for the past 5 or so months. Haven\'t we all?! But, I will now succeed in showing you what it’s like. This little vid highlights some recent deliveries and favorites including the Dime Optics x Nicole Guerriero collab (I love Nicole and I am so happy to have supported this endeavor) and Smart Sweets candy. Otherwise, it’s pretty boring. Hence the title. However, I find myself enjoying other YouTuber’s nonsensical and pointless vlogs, so I’m throwing mine into the mix. Who knows when I’ll post another one ??? - might be tomorrow (!)...might be a month from now. Subscribe for more! Important Links*: (*NOT affiliate / I wish!) Black Sunglasses https://www.dimeoptics.com/collections/nicole-guerriero (I have the 021 black) Tortoise Blue Light Glasses https://www.dimeoptics.com/products/004-tortoise-blue-light (there are also other styles/colors) Smart Sweets Sourmelon Bites https://smartsweets.com/collections/new-smartsweets Smart Sweets Sweet Fish https://smartsweets.com/products/sweet-fish-1 Instagram : @cantwellbeauty & @ciaramichelledreams Twitter: @ciaracantwell Songs featured are unreleased ones by me (under the name Cantwell). They\'re called \"On the Rocks\" and \"Is Anybody Out There?\" Thanks for watching and as always remember to subscribe and tell a friend! -Ciara Cantwell'
Tags: beauty , makeup , vlog , Boring , smart sweets , ciara , vlog style , cantwell beauty , ciara cantwell , a bunch of nothing , dime optics , dime opticsxnicoleguerriero
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